iOS) alamofire.framework failed no such file or directory (2) 에러로 앱 빌드가 안될때Programing Language/iOS(Swift) 2023. 8. 9. 19:26728x90반응형
Install the latest version of cocoapods >= 1.12.1
This version has been released with these fixes. Try the following commands to install the latest version.
sudo gem install cocoapods pod install
If you want to use cococapods version < 1.12.1. You can try the following steps:
- Navigate to the Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-ProjectName/ directory
- Open the Pods-ProjectName-frameworks.sh file.
- Replace line 44 with code "$(readlink "${source}")" with "$(readlink -f "${source}")".
Source: https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/pull/11828
Hope it will work.
sudo gem ~~ 이거랑 pod install하고
1, 2, 3의 경로를 따라 들어가서 파일의 코드를 변경하니 정상 배포 빌드가 되었다.
도움되셨으면 광고 클릭!
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