Programing Language/iOS(Swift)
iOS) Label에 입력되는 텍스트 중에 특정 단어의 크기나 색 바꾸기[펌]Programing Language/iOS(Swift) 2020. 4. 1. 17:16 ios swift: Is it possible to change the font style of a certain word in a string? I am extracting from a DB contents as strings. With a method I extract the longest word out of this string. Now I would like to print out the entire string to a text label but would like to highl...
iOS) collectionview Cell 삭제하는 방법Programing Language/iOS(Swift) 2020. 3. 20. 15:14
- 클릭해서 하나씩 cell 지우기 - 여러개 선택해서 cell 한번에 지우기 Delete Items from Collection View Controller iOS Tutorial - iOScreator Items inside a Collection View can be manipulated by modifying the connected model data. In this tutorial items will be removed from the Collection View Controller. This tutorial is made with Xc..